Evandro Leitão (PT) was elected mayor of Fortaleza (CE) this Sunday (27) after winning a fierce dispute against André Fernandes (PL). Fortaleza is the only capital in the country in which President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s party elected a mayor.
Leitão obtained 50.38% of the valid votes, against 49.62% for Fernandes, with an advantage of just over 10 thousand votes. He managed to turn around and overcome his opponent in this second round. In the first round, Fernandes had 40.20% of the valid votes against 34.33% for Leitão.
Who is Evandro Leitão
Evandro Sá Barreto Leitão is 57 years old, a state deputy in his third term and current president of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Ceará (Alece). He was chosen in April to run for Mayor of Fortaleza.
Evandro Leitão is a public servant, deputy auditor at the Ceará State Finance Department (Sefaz). He has a bachelor’s degree in Economic Sciences from the University of Fortaleza (Unifor) and in Law from the Faculdade Integrada do Ceará (FIC) with a postgraduate degree in Public Management from the Secretariat of Administration of Ceará, and in Marketing from the Regional Stock Exchange.
He was also president of the football club Ceará Sporting Club, from 2008 to 2015, and sits on the club’s board.