Home Business ISA Cteep obtains environmental license for Jacarandá project

ISA Cteep obtains environmental license for Jacarandá project


Isa CTEEP energy transmission towers (Photo: Disclosure)

Energy transmitter ISA Cteep reported this Thursday that it received a license from the State Secretariat for the Environment, Infrastructure and Logistics of the São Paulo government to install the Água Azul substation, of the Jacarandá project.

Work is expected to begin in March 2026, the company said in a statement to the market.

According to ISA Cteep, the project involves the expansion of the Água Azul substation, with an increase of 60 thousand square meters of area, intended for the expansion of the 440 kilovolt (kV) yard and the implementation of a new 88kV yard, with an increase of 600 megavolt-ampere (MVA) of transformation power.

The Jacarandá project was won in Lot 6 of transmission auction nº 01/2022, held in June 2022 by the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel).

“The investment forecast by Aneel on the auction date is R$232.3 million and the Permitted Annual Revenue (RAP) is R$15.3 million in the 2024-2025 cycle,” stated ISA Cteep in the document.

(Reporting by Patricia Vilas Boas)

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